It’s common for many runners to want to benchmark their performance against other runners and averages.
The average running speed can vary depending on a person’s age, weight, and experience.
However, most people strive to achieve a running pace that is faster than the average.
Average mile time from Strava
In 2015, Strava measured the average running pace of 14 million logged runs.
The average pace per mile for men was 9:03 minutes.
The average pace per mile for women was 10:21 minutes.

Your average running speed varies by age
Another study by looked at the average pace per mile for 5k runners, and broke this down by both gender and age.
Age | Men (minutes per mile) | Women (minutes per mile) |
16-19 | 9:34 | 12:09 |
20-24 | 9:30 | 11:44 |
25-29 | 10:03 | 11:42 |
30-34 | 10:09 | 12:29 |
35-39 | 10:53 | 12:03 |
40-44 | 10:28 | 12:24 |
45-49 | 10:43 | 12:41 |
50-54 | 11:08 | 13:20 |
55-59 | 12:08 | 14:37 |
60-64 | 13:05 | 14:47 |
65-99 | 13:52 | 16:12 |
What is the fastest mile that anyone has ever run?
The current world record holders for running a mile are Hicham El Guerrouj and Sifan Hassan.
Hicham El Guerrouj holds the men’s world record at 3:43 minutes.
Sifan Hassan holds the women’s world record at 4:12 minutes.
What is the fastest running speed ever recorded?
The fastest running speed ever recorded was by Usain Bolt in the 2009 World Athletic Championships.
He ran the 100 metres in an average speed of 23.45 mph…but his speed between the 60m and 80m mark was 27.78mph.
Some tips for improving your running speed
Make sure you are well-hydrated before you run
Studies suggest that even minor levels of dehydration can have a negative impact on your running performance.
So if you want to achieve top speeds, make sure you’re sufficiently hydrated before you run!
Work on your running form
One way to help improve your running speed is to focus on your running form. Good running form will ensure that you’re using as much of your energy as possible to propel you forward, rather than wasting energy on inefficient movements.
Try interval training
Interval training is a great way to improve your running speed. By alternating short bursts of high-intensity running with short periods of rest, you can train your body to work more efficiently and achieve top speeds.
Additionally, interval training can help improve your endurance, making you better able to maintain a fast pace for a longer period of time.
Practice hill training to increase your strength and speed.
Running uphill can be a great way to increase your running speed. Uphill running challenges your body in a different way than running on flat ground, and as a result, can help improve your strength and speed.
Start by gradually adding incline to your runs. As you get used to running uphill, increase the intensity and try running faster.
You can also incorporate interval training into your uphill runs, alternating short bursts of high-intensity running with short periods of rest.
Get enough rest and recovery to allow your body to perform at its best.
It’s important to allow your body enough time to recover and rebuild muscles after running. If you don’t allow your body time to rest, you may start to experience overtraining symptoms such as fatigue, illness, and injury.
So to run at an optimal running speed, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough sleep and allowing your body time to recover.
This may mean taking a day or two off from running each week, or scheduling your hard runs on days when you know you’ll have plenty of time for rest and recovery afterwards.