It may seem a strange topic, but certain foods eaten before, during and after cycling events could make or break your performance. If you’re new to cycling, here are our top tips when it comes to eating for cycling
Preferences will differ from cyclist to cyclist. While there are some general tips that all cyclists should look into, for some people, no matter how hard they try, sports gels or pre-cycle porridge just isn’t for them. That’s ok! You need to find the best routine for you to perform at your best, so have an open mind, experiment and be flexible.
Head of Nutrition at British Cycling, Nigel Mitchell, told British Cycling that a simple breakfast or porridge or eggs should be followed by a fruit or yogurt snack. Lunch should be carbohydrate based (wholemeal sandwich, jacket potato), followed by an afternoon fruit snack, and an evening meal of lean meat and rice, pasta or vegetables. This should power you well during your training routines
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 30 to 60g of carbs per hour of exercise. Check your favourite snacks and try and find their content. You may be getting too much or not enough carbs during cycling.
On the day or a race or event, Selene Yeager at recommends drinking “a low-carb, electrolyte hydrating drink while you’re eating light, digestible snacks, like fig bars and bananas.” This is to ensure your body doesn’t overload on carbs per hour which can cause stomach upset.
Milk based drinks, lean meat, nuts and dry fruit are all items that can be eaten after cycling to help with recovery.